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Babies Photo Shoot

Babies / April 24, 2021

Unlike a newborn, a six-month-old will begin to show off their personality. Babies at this age are playful, curious and quick to smile! Photos from a sitter session often capture fun expressions that parents absolutely love. Plus, while your little one is able to sit up at this stage, they’re usually not yet able to crawl quickly away, allowing your photographer to capture some fun images of their sweet face!

Sitter sessions are shorter than newborn sessions because they require less careful posing and prop and accessory setup. Your baby is also likely to be less fearful around strangers, making it easy to get them to smile. But be ready to get involved! Unlike a newborn session, you won’t be able to sit down and relax during a sitter session. It often takes parent involvement to get their little one to look at the camera and smile, but it’s super fun to watch the faces babies make during these sessions!

How do I know if my baby is ready for a sitter session?
If you want to schedule a sitter session but aren’t sure if your little one is ready just yet, ask yourself the following questions about your child:

Have they mastered rolling and crawling?
Do they love bouncing and kicking their legs?
Are they rocking or swaying?
If your answer is yes, then your baby is likely about to start sitting on their own! Maybe they have even already tried to sit up. If that’s the case, it’s time to book your session.